Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Through the Tunnel” Prove Yourself Paragraph

When i was ten me and my friend use to always tell tell each other thing but one day she was going to tell me something but she was not comfrotable telling me it so she had be prove to her that i was worth telling. So to me i thought if i told her one of my secerts then it well make her feel more comfortable to tell me what she was afraid to tell me. But one day when we was running for P.E. she told me the reason she didnt want to me is because she thought i was going to judge her. I told her that i was not going to judge her but she said

Monday, December 5, 2011

Symbolism: Symbol of Self

A item that symbolize me would be an Eagle. cause Eagle are The biggest and strongest of any bird and they are the fastest and most feared bird. Eagle are also brave the also represent leardership and i am a leader and bold like an Eagle. Eagles are also independant they dont need to be around other birds to hunt